How To Win At The Casino Roulette Wheel - Joe's Cat Website

So you want to learn how to win at roulette - and you want proof with examples too!

This is page 4. If you arrived here from another website, then you will want to start with Page 1.


Example with 150 Roulette spins Time to see what happens to your game when you cannot afford to pay for the next bet.

This graph is the same as the one on the previous page, but this time it shows you what happens if you stop playing the next bet (because you reached your spending limit and cannot afford the next bet.

First, you wil notice the very sharp drop where you stopped, and then, next, you will notice that your new starting point is a lot lower because of your losses that you could not win back.

...and if you say no to another bet later, you lose some more again, and your starting point will be even lower than before....

...You can try this outcome for yourself in the next section below....


The Roulette Wheel shown below works, but it has only one purpose, which is, what happens to your winnings when you reach a maximum spending limit. It does not matter if the limit is a casino house limit or if it is your spending limit, the outcome is still going to be a loss when you play the Roulette wheel long enough.

You will notice the minimum bet is $10 and the maximum bet allowed is $300. We will start with $500 and stop if you run out of money (I have tried this a few times and had it go as long as 3000 spins, but also as short as 16 spins before having $0 left).

American Roulette Wheel Example Simulations - With Limits Enabled
Creative Commons Symbol
Total Spins
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30
31 32 33
34 35 36
Minimum Bet:
Maximum Bet:

Last Roll:
Last BetYou WonYour Total
$ $ $
You Can WinTotal If You Win
Next Bet$$
$You Can LoseTotal If You Lose
$ $

(If you reach zero and want to try again, then refresh the webpage to reset the counters and to reset your starting dollar values)


So? Now that you have read this "How To Win At The Casino Roulette Wheel" from start to finish, you may be asking yourself Was this supposed to be "How To Win at Roulette?", and the answer is, yes, it was when I started writing this in the beginning.

So? Why write this "How To Win" if the outcome is you will lose?
Shouldn't this be called "How To Lose at Roulette"?
Well, yes, that does sound like a more acurate title for this article, but not many people are looking for a way to lose - everybody wants to win!

After having read that other (gone now) article a long time ago, this article started-out as a "How To Win" article, with that initial excitement of such a simple strategy, but when you then want to prove this works, and then find out it just does NOT work while trying to prove it... ...I can see why the other article disappeared, since the long term outcome of this strategy demonstrated was wrong in the long term if you played roulette long enough.

Is this worth sharing? Yes.
If you have a gambling problem, you aren't alone - For example: Voluntary self-exclusion not always solution and I am sure there are more stories of people with gambling problems after that.
If you have a family member, a friend, a neighbour, or somebody you know who has a gambling problem, it is probably worth your time to show them the first page of this "How To Win" article and then let them continue reading and trying the examples, to then see they actually lose in the long run. ...and keep the money in their wallet, or purse.

To make a long story shorter, if you are going to play roulette, then enjoy the game but keep a limit on your spending because the long-term effect is that the Casino house wins in the end.

If you found this "How To Win" article worth reading or sharing, I would appreciate if you provide a link or recommendation to Page 1 for others to follow - so they can learn "How To Win" too.

If you still want to try the European Wheel for comparison, you can try it on this page.


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